=== WooCommerce Quantity Manager === Contributors: barn2media Tags: woocommerce, quantity, min, max, product, cart, checkout Requires at least: 6.0 Tested up to: 6.7.1 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 2.4.1 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WC requires at least: 7.2 WC tested up to: 9.4.3 Control your product quantities by adding minimum and maximum quantity rules, step values, default quantities, and more. == Description == Control your product quantities by adding minimum and maximum quantity rules, step values, default quantities, and more. == Installation == 1. Download the plugin from the Order Confirmation page or using the link in your confirmation email. 1. Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload, and select the zip file you downloaded. 1. Once installed, click to Activate the plugin. 1. In the dashboard, go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Quantity manager and enter your License Key in the box at the top. The license key can be found in your order confirmation email. 1. See the [full documentation](https://barn2.com/kb-categories/wqm-kb/) for further details and instructions. == Frequently Asked Questions == Please refer to [our support page](https://barn2.com/support-center/). == Changelog == = 2.4.1 = Release date 4 December 2024 * Dev: Updated the internal libraries * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.7.1 and WooCommerce 9.4.3 * Fix: Quantity step selector was wrong for WRO = 2.4.0 = Release date 28 August 2024 * New: Manage the user roles at the category level * New: Added the integration with block checkout * New: Added the integration with the product blocks * Fix: Fixed issue with total minimums on carts where tax is included in the display price. * Fix: Fixed issue with WQM reseting quantity values on some third-party cart plugins, specifically Astra. * Fix: Fixed issue with changing quantity step values on variation selection when WooCommerce Product Table, WooCommerce Product Filters and WooCommerce Quantity Manager are used together. * Fix: Step quantity throws an error when the value is 0 * Fix: Disabled the checkout button in shortcode cart if there is an error * Dev: Aded the e2e tests * Dev: Tested compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions and updated internal libraries. = 2.3.4 = Release date 11 January 2024 * Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Sample "backorders allowed" setting (requires WooCommerce Product Sample v1.0.15). * Dev: Tested compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions and updated internal libraries. = 2.3.3 = Release date 28 November 2023 * Fix: Fixed issue with quantity reset on variation change. * Fix: Changed method for testing additions to cart in order to work around compatibility potential issue with third-party plugins that modify the cart during the `add_to_cart` hook. * Fix: If WooCommerce is not active when Quantity Manager is active, Quantity Manager will no longer throw a permissions error. * Dev: Tested compatibility with latest WordPress and WooCommerce versions and updated internal libraries. = 2.3.2 = Release date 25 September 2023 * Fix: Added fallback for minimum quantity on 'Add to Cart' buttons when 'AJAX add to cart' buttons are disabled. = 2.3.1 = Release date 10 August 2023 * Dev: Updated internal libraries to fix issue with Setup Wizard support * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 8.0.1 and WordPress 6.3 * Dev: Declared support for WooCommerce HPOS = 2.3 = Release date 10 April 2023 * New: Compatibility with Flux Checkout plugin. * Tweak: Error messages now show in WooCommerce Product Table. * Fix: Default quantity values were incorrectly being passed to the cart when selecting a variation from a table generated by WooCommerce Product Table. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.5.1 and WordPress 6.2. = 2.2.5 = Release date 21 March 2023 * Tweak: Added a new filter hook wc_quantity_manager_change_default_quantity_input_value to determine if the default quantity input value should be changed. * Fix: If step and initial value were set, increments were not correctly set on the first change. * Dev: Added the script suffix to the frontend scripts to be able to use the SCRIPT_DEBUG feature. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.5.0. = 2.2.4 = Release date 8 February 2023 * Dev: Updated Barn2 internal libraries and dependencies. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.3.0 and WordPress 6.1.1. = 2.2.3 = Release date 24 August 2022 * Fix: PHP warning on the shop page under certain setups with shared step value calculation. * Fix: Selecting variations with a default quantity in WooCommerce Product Table could incorrectly set the input value on another variable product in the table. * Dev: Updated Barn2 internal libraries and dependencies. * Dev: Update minimum required WordPress version to 5.2. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.8.2 and WordPress 6.0.1. = 2.2.2 = Release date 8 April 2022 * Tweak: Stock status now takes into account the calculated minimum quantity of a product. * Fix: If no default quantity was set on a product, the calculated default quantity was not set correctly on shop archive add-to-cart buttons. * Dev: Updated Barn2 internal libraries and various code improvements. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.3.1 and WordPress 5.9.3. = 2.2.1 = Release date 22 February 2022 * Fix: Default quantity was ignored when not a valid multiple of the quantity step. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.2 and WordPress 5.9. = 2.2 = Release date 26 November 2021 * New: Added support for Barn2 setup wizard. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.9. = 2.1.1 = Release date 24 August 2021 * Fix: Issue preventing the WooCommerce 'Order Again' functionality from working. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.6 and WordPress 5.8. = 2.1 = Release date 18 June 2021 * New: Option to share the quantity step calculation between products. * New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions. * New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles (SomewhereWarm), and WooCommerce Composite Products (SomewhereWarm). * Tweak: Improved WordPress Multisite compatibility when viewing a sub-site as a super administrator. * Fix: Under certain Shipping zone configurations, Free shipping would only appear after updating the cart. * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.4.2 and WordPress 5.7.2. = 2.0 = Release date 15 April 2021 * New: WooCommerce Quantity Manager released, replacing our previous WooCommerce Default Quantity plugin. * New: If you are upgrading from WooCommerce Default Quantity refer to [our upgrade article](https://barn2.com/kb/upgrade-to-quantity-manager/). = 1.1.3 = Release date 10 February 2021 * Fix: Support for negative stock levels on products that allow backorders. = 1.1.2 = Release date 22 May 2020 * Fix: Bug with default quantity after selecting a variation. = 1.1.1 = Release date 1 May 2020 * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.1 and WordPress 5.4.1. = 1.1 = Release date 11 April 2020 * Dev: Update plugin license system and refactor to use new architecture. * Dev: Various minor code improvements. = 1.0.4 = Release date 12 March 2020 * Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 4.0 and WordPress 5.4. = 1.0.3 = Release date 21 January 2020 * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.3.2 and WooCommerce 3.9. = 1.0.2 = Release date 29 October 2019 * Dev: Tested up to WordPress 5.3 and WooCommerce 3.8. * Fix: Fix error with autoloader. = 1.0.1 = Release date 16 September 2019 * Fix: Fix bug with default quantity affecting cart. = 1.0 = Release date 11 September 2019 * New: Initial release