Version 1.3.1 - Wednesday, 11th December 2024 - Fix: Resolved an incorrect usage error for the _load_textdomain_just_in_time function. - Fix: Resolved a PHP notice related to attempting to get the property 'meta_value' of a non-object. Version 1.3.0 - Tuesday, 2nd July 2024 - New: Introduced the support of Cart abandoned tracking for WooCommerce Blocks Checkout. - Improvement: Optimized the cart abandonment tracking for speed improvements. - Fix: Resolved error warnings when a null value is passed in PHP 8.2 and later versions. Version 1.2.27 - Tuesday, 12th March 2024 - Security Fix: Hardened the security of the plugin suggested by WPScan. Version 1.2.26 - Wednesday, 29th November 2023 - Fix: Product's custom data options were not displayed in the abandoned order data. - Fix: Fixed the error warning if null value passed while using the PHP 8.1 version. Version 1.2.25 - Thursday, 18th May 2023 - New: Added new action `wcf_ca_before_trigger_webhook` before triggering webhook. - New: Added new action `wcf_ca_process_abandoned_order` while processing abandoned order. - Fix: Fatal error when all order statuses are unchecked for the "Exclude email sending for" setting. Version 1.2.24 - Monday, 3rd April 2023 - Fix: Delete abandoned order action was not working. Version 1.2.23 - Wednesday, 1st March 2023 - Fix: Fixed the PHP warning showing on the abandoned cart details page. Version 1.2.22 - Wednesday, 15th February 2023 - New: Added filter `woo_ca_recovery_email_unsubscribe_notice` to change the unsubscribed notice text. - Fix: WCAR shortcodes of email editor not showing in some cases. Version 1.2.21 - Thursday, 15th December 2022 - Fix: Fixed deprecation notices for PHP 8.1. - Fix: Some strings were not translatable. Version 1.2.20 - Monday, 7th November 2022 - New: Added `woo_ca_session_abandoned_data` filter to extend the session data. Version 1.2.19 - Tuesday, 6th September 2022 - New: Added `woo_ca_recovery_email_data` filter for email data before sending the recovery email. - Improvement: Updated default cron time for abandoned carts to 20 min and limited the minimum cron run time. - Improvement: Showing shipping name on the abandoned list if billing email is empty. - Improvement: Handling test webhook response for pabbly and integromat webhooks. Version 1.2.18 - Friday, 27th May 2022 - New: Allowing entering multiple email addresses to receive weekly report emails. - Improvement: Updated the weekly report email content. Version 1.2.17 - Thursday, 19th May 2022 - Fix: The admin notice of the weekly report email was not dismissible on other pages of WordPress. Version 1.2.16 - Tuesday, 17th May 2022 - New: Introduced weekly order recovery reports via email. - New: Added an option to send the recovery emails in WooCommerce email format. - Improvement: Updated the default unsubscribe text from "Unsubscribe" to "Don't remind me again". Version 1.2.15 - Thursday, 21st April 2022 - Improvement: Handled WordPress database error while creating tables on plugin activation. Version 1.2.14 - Tuesday, 05th April 2022 - New: Added cron cutoff time option in settings. Note: If you are using the custom code to update the cron time then please remove it & update same in new option. - New: Added an option to append the query parameters to recovery link. - Improvement: Showing large product images in outlook in some cases. - Improvement: Added filter to update the default first name of customer. - Fix: Product price not showing as configured in Woocommerce settings. Version 1.2.13 - Tuesday, 13th July 2021 - Fix: Some strings of the plugin were not translatable. Version 1.2.12 - Thursday, 29th April 2021 - Improvement: Added the placeholder image for the product image. - Fix: PHP error while notifying recovery to admin. - Fix: Products Custom attributes not showing in product column. - Fix: Orders list was not sorting. Version 1.2.11 - Monday, 08th March 2021 - Improvement: WordPress 5.7 compatibility. - Improvement: Removed jQuery3 deprecated function notices. Version 1.2.10 - Tuesday, 16th February 2021 - New: Added the option to delete the plugin data on plugin deletion. - New: Added the filter before triggering the webhook. - Improvement: Showing Parent product image if variation image is not set. Version 1.2.9 - Thursday, 14th January 2021 - New: Added the filter before coupon generation to modify the coupon arguments. - Improvement: Added the Phone number field in export data. - Fix: Fixed the get_title on boolean error and PHP 8 notices. - Fix: Showing wrong product images for variation. Version 1.2.8 - Friday, 14th August 2020 - New: Added new option to prevent recovery emails for specific order status. - Fix: Deprecated the 'woo_ca_exclude_on_hold_order_from_tracking' filter. Version 1.2.7 - Tuesday, 16th June 2020 - New: Users can now share [non-personal usage data] to help us test and develop better products. ( Version 1.2.6 - Thursday, 21st May 2020 - New: Added option to send the email to admin after successfully cart recovery of the abandoned order. - Fix: Email rescheduling was considering the cart abandoned time rather than the current time. - Fix: Coupons generated by plugin were not deleting. - Fix: Variation/Custom product attributes were excluded from the recovered cart. Version 1.2.5 - Wednesday, 11th March 2020 - Improvement: Allowed plugin access to the shop manager. - Fix: Variable product name not showing in the product table. - Fix: All orders are not exporting due to the wrong pagination. - Fix: Not showing the next page's orders. Version 1.2.4 - Thursday, 06th February 2020 - New: Added option to export abandoned orders. - New: Added option to search abandoned orders. - Improvement: Compatibility with the latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules. - Fix: Get id error while sending emails. Version 1.2.3 - Thursday, 12th December 2019 - New: Added option to unsubscribe users in bulk. - New: Added filter 'woo_ca_exclude_on_hold_order_from_tracking' to exclude on hold orders from the tracking. - New: Added product table shortcode for webhook. - Improvement: Updated filter 'woo_ca_email_template_table_style' for product table alignment. - Fix: Sometimes test emails are not sending. Version 1.2.2 - Tuesday, 12th November 2019 - Fix: Duplicate order issue for variation products. Version 1.2.1 - Tuesday, 5th November 2019 - New: Added delete option for used & expired coupons which will be created now onwards. - Fix: Sometimes order status remains "abandoned" for initially failed orders. - Fix: Strings updated for translation. Version 1.2.0 - Monday, 14th October 2019 - New: Added support for PPOM products. - Improvement: Added email activate toggle button on grid. - Improvement: Added notice on the checkout page for test emails. - Fix: Zero-value orders getting tracked. - Fix: Disable tracking for the custom user roles. Version 1.1.9 - Thursday, 19th September 2019 - New: Option added to ignore users from cart abandonment process. - New: Filter added to customize the styling of email template table. - Improvement: Added compatibility with Razorpay plugin. - Fix: Email template markup was breaking after save. - Fix: Failed orders were getting marked as completed. - Fix: Empty order was getting tracked and email sending for it. - Fix: Email settings options were swapping value of from and reply-to. Version 1.1.8 - Tuesday, 3rd September 2019 - New: Option added to auto-apply coupon on the checkout. - New: Option added to apply coupon individually. - New: Option added to create free shipping coupons. Version 1.1.7 - Monday, 12th August 2019 - New: Filter added to show the cart total inside the email template. - New: Filter added to change the cart abandoned time. - Improvement: Order tracking logic updated for automated payments. - Improvement: Update report dashboard DateTime format to WordPress format. - Fix: Broken image in the email template. Version 1.1.6 - Friday, 19th July 2019 - New: Bundled product support for email checkout URL. - Improvement: Added phone number and address while triggering the to webhook. - Fix: Creating tables and default settings on activation. Version 1.1.5 - Tuesday, 9th July 2019 - Fix: Other crons disappearing issue. Version 1.1.4 - Tuesday, 9th July 2019 - Fix: Follow up emails were getting sent even after the completion of the order. - Fix: Email template variable 'Abandoned Product Names' warning issue. Version 1.1.3 - Thursday, 27th June 2019 - Improvement: Added checkout link for abandoned cart inside the admin section. - Fix: Added pagination for reports. - Fix: Recover report calculations before campaign triggers. - Fix: Empty cart notice when CartFlows checkout is set global. Version 1.1.2 - Wednesday, 12th June 2019 - Fix: Issue of timezone while sending mail through cron. - Fix: Delete single cart abandonment order. - Fix: MySql 5.5 support for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. Version 1.1.1 - Thursday, 06th June 2019 - New: Added feature to reschedule emails for Admin. - Fix: Coupon expiry time issue. - Fix: Email issue for a user who has an already purchased order. - Fix: Translatable strings updated. Version 1.1.0 - Thursday, 30th May 2019 - Added a view for admin to check email status specific to the particular abandoned user. Version 1.0.0 - Monday, 27th May 2019 - Initial Release