=== WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate === Contributors: gn_themes License: GPLv3 Donate link: https://getshortcodes.com/pricing/ Tags: posts, carousel, shortcode, toggle, columns Stable tag: 7.3.4 Requires PHP: 5.4 Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.7 A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site == Description == ### SHORTCODES ULIMATE - THE #1 SHORTCODES PLUGIN ### [Shortcodes Ultimate](https://getshortcodes.com/?utm_campaign=wporg&utm_medium=readme&utm_source=description) is a huge collection of useful elements, that you can use in the post editor, text widgets or even in template files. [vimeo http://vimeo.com/507942335] = Features = - [Over 50 gorgeous shortcodes](https://getshortcodes.com/docs-category/shortcodes/?utm_campaign=wporg&utm_medium=readme&utm_source=features) - Insert shortcodes in 1 click with Live Preview - Supports the Block Editor - Seamlessly integrates with your theme - Looks great on mobile devices - Custom CSS editor is included - Developer-friendly with plenty of hooks and extensive documentation = Included shortcodes = - **Posts** - allows you to show specific posts anywhere - **Accordion** - simple toggle block to show/hide your content - **Button** - highly-customizable button with multiple styles - **Lightbox** - a lightbox that you can use with virtually any element - **Image Carousel** - beautiful super-customizable image carousel - **Columns** - must-have tool for creating layouts - And many more... = Get Help = - [Documentation](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/?utm_campaign=wporg&utm_medium=readme&utm_source=links-docs) - [Community Support Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/shortcodes-ultimate) - [The Pro Support](https://getshortcodes.com/support/open-support-ticket/?utm_campaign=wporg&utm_medium=readme&utm_source=links-support) ### TRY THE PRO VERSION FOR FREE ### Try Shortcodes Ultimate Pro risk-free for 30 days. You are fully protected by our no questions asked refund policy! [Upgrade to Pro](https://getshortcodes.com/pricing/?utm_campaign=wporg&utm_medium=readme&utm_source=try-pro) == Installation == = From within dashboard (recommended) = 1. Navigate to _Dashboard – Plugins – Add New_; 2. Search for _Shortcodes Ultimate_; 3. Click _Install_, then _Activate_. [Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xhplrZJD9c). = Manual installation = 1. Download the plugin as a `.zip` file; 2. Unzip downloaded archive and upload `shortcodes-ultimate` folder under your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory (resulted plugin path should be `/wp-content/plugins/shortcodes-ultimate/`); 3. Navigate to *Dashboard – Plugins* and activate the plugin. == Screenshots == 1. Insert Shortcode button added above the editor 2. Shortcode insertion window 3. Shortcode settings 4. Shortcodes: button, tabs, box, carousel 5. Shortcodes: spoiler, service, list, columns, note == Frequently Asked Questions == = How this plugin works = [How Shortcodes Ultimate plugin works](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/how-shortcodes-ultimate-plugin-works/). = Shortcodes do not work. Why? = The most common reasons of this issue are listed [here](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/shortcodes-do-not-work/). = Insert shortcode button do not work. Why? = The most common reasons of this issue are listed [here](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/insert-shortcode-button-do-not-work/). = Can I remove default shortcodes? = Yes, you can remove default shortcodes using 'su/data/shortcodes' filter. Tutorial: [How to remove default shortcodes](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/disabling-built-in-shortcodes/). = Can I create custom shortcodes? = Yes, you can create custom shortcodes using 'su/data/shortcodes' filter. Tutorial: [How to add custom shortcodes](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/registering-custom-shortcodes/). = Can I use shortcodes in template files? = Yes! [How to use shortcodes in template files](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/using-shortcodes-in-template-files/). = Will this plugin work with my theme? = Yes! Shortcodes Ultimate is designed to work with any theme, but your theme must include very basic things: 'wp_head' and 'wp_footer' template tags. Sometimes, the plugin may not work properly because of javascript errors caused by third-party plugins/themes. = Where can I report a bug or suggest a feature? = [Support Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/shortcodes-ultimate). = Where can I get help? = First, visit the [Help Center](https://getshortcodes.com/support/). If you get stuck, ask for help at the [community support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/shortcodes-ultimate). == Upgrade Notice == Upgrade normally == Changelog == = 7.3.4 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users - Fixed warning "Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly" - Tested with PHP 8.3 - Updated Freemius SDK = 7.3.3 - Fixed an issue in [su_qrcode] where the `&` character was encoded incorrectly = 7.3.2 - [su_qrcode] updated to better handle QR code data - Updated Freemius SDK = 7.3.1 - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.7 - Updated Freemius SDK = 7.3.0 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users - Security improvements - Added support for avif images in the image carousel shortcode - Updated Freemius SDK = 7.2.2 - Fixed issue with HTML tags not working in the Box title - Minor updates under the hood = 7.2.1 - Tested with WordPress 6.6 - Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.7.3 = 7.1.8 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.1.7 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.1.6 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.1.5 - Updated Freemius SDK (UI improvements) - Minor improvements to codebase = 7.1.4 - Fixed issue with nested HTML tags in the following shortcodes: Button, Tab, Spoiler, Quote, Tooltip, and Service - Reduced static files size to imporove the loading speeds - Enhanced PHP 8 support - Minor "under the hood" improvements = 7.1.3 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.1.2 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.1.0 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users. It also includes enhancements of the Custom Gallery shortcode. - Security improvements (thanks to Dmitrii Ignatyev and WPScan) - The Custom Gallery images can now be aligned with the `align` option - The Custom Gallery titles can now be scrolled if they exceed the height of the thumbnail - Extended theme compatibility of the Custom Gallery shortcode = 7.0.5 - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.5 - Security improvements = 7.0.4 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.0.3 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.0.2 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.0.1 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 7.0.0 **IMPORTANT CHANGE** Starting with plugin version 7.0.0 the `[su_meta]` shortcode may be automatically disabled if your site has at least one user with a role lower than administrator (e.g. Contributor) [Learn more about this change](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/post-meta/#unsafe-feature) **Security improvements** This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users **Other changes** - Improved attribute handling in the *Button* shortcode = 5.13.3 - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.4 - Improved plugin stability - Updated Freemius SDK = 5.13.2 - Freemius-related security improvements - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3 - Added compatibility with PHP 8.2 = 5.13.1 This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 5.13.0 - Added support for WebP images in `[su_image_carousel]` - Minor updates to the codebase - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2 - Fixed issue with swiper.js ([forum topic](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/theme-compability-3/)) - Fixed issue with media taxonomies in `[su_custom_gallery]` ([forum topic](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/gallery-shortcode-source-taxonomy-still-not-solved/)) = 5.12.11 **Stability release** This update provides minor improvements to the plugin codebase and bugfixes = 5.12.10 This update provides minor improvements to the plugin codebase and removes connectivity test upon activation It also fixes the fatal error introduced in version 5.12.9 = 5.12.9 This update provides minor improvements to the plugin codebase and removes connectivity test upon activation = 5.12.8 **Security update** This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 5.12.7 **Security update** This update features security improvements and is recommended for all users = 5.12.6 * Improved PHP8 compatibility * Added missing Opt-Out dialog stylesheet * Fixed JS error at the About admin page * Minor improvements to the codebase * All images have been optimzed reducing the plugin size by 88kB * Updated the Block Editor icon. Thanks to [@andreslav](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feedback-the-icon-is-fuzzy/) * Freemius SDK updated to version 2.5.3 = 5.12.5 * Added Freemius SDK * Fixed JS error introduced in the previous update. See [forum topic](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/su-tabs-and-other-shortcodes-no-longer-work-after-recent-update/). = 5.12.3 * Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.1 = 5.12.2 * Fixed issue with Shortcode Generator Presets, introduced in the previous update * Tested compatibility with WordPress 6 = 5.12.1 **Security release** This update fixes a security vulnerability in the shortcode generator. Thanks to Dave John for discovering it. = 5.12.0 **What's new** - New options `class` and `class_single` for the *Posts* shortcode. Use new options to specify custom CSS classes for the container and for a single post item respectively. - Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.9 = 5.11.2 **Fixed** - Fixed *Pro Tip* translation in shortcode generator. Thanks to (Pieterjan Deneys)[https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-untranslated-string/] = 5.11.1 **What's new** - Updated ForkAwesome library, now it includes [52 new icons](https://forkaweso.me/Fork-Awesome/icons/) **Fixed** - Minor improvements to the plugin settings UX - Fixed some typos - Fixed issue in `[su_posts]` where posts with thumbnails were generating PHP warnings. Thanks to [@dimabr](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/su_posts/#post-14756135) = 5.11.0 **What's changed** - *Available shortcodes* admin page have been disabled. Now you can find the most actual info about every shortcode at the plugin website under [Docs → Shortcodes](https://getshortcodes.com/docs-category/shortcodes/). This change will help me to maintain a single version of the plugin documentation and make it better for you. - New admin page *Shortcodes → About* which contains some useful links and a getting started video **Fixed** - Fixed issue with `[su_box]`'s `title` attribute, now it supports nested HTML tags again - Fixed issue with `[su_tooltip]`'s `z-index` CSS property, now it must be compatible with more themes - Fixed issue where `[su_qrcode align="center"]` wasn't working - Fixed issue when `su_animate` content wasn't properly indexed by search engines = 5.10.2 **What's new** - Plugin security have been improved. You may see a new notification in the admin area. [Learn more](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/unsafe-features/) - Added new setting `Unsafe features` under `Shortcodes → Settings → Advanced settings`. [Learn more](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/unsafe-features/) - Improved accessibility of the plugin settings page **Fixed** - Fixed *This video is unavailable* in `su_youtube_advanced` shortcode - Fixed compatibility issue with SiteOrigin Page Builder. You can now turn on or off the old widget under `Shortcodes -> Settings Advanced settings` - Fixed issue in `[su_note]` when it was displaying empty id attribute - Fixed PHP warning at the new Widgets screen = 5.10.1 **What's new** - `su_qrcode`'s data attribute now understands the following variables: `%CURRENT_URL%` for the current page URL, and `%PERMALINK%` for post permalink **Fixed** - Fixed `tax_relation` attribute of the `su_posts` shortcode. Thanks to [janeri2021](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-in-shortcode-posts/) - Fixed compatibility with Page Builder by SiteOrigin. [Details](https://github.com/siteorigin/so-widgets-bundle/issues/1247) - Fixed `BlockControls` console warning in the Block Editor - Added missing file `popper.min.js.map` - Fixed issue with invalid z-index value in the Tooltip shortcode - Fixed issue with the shortcode generator presets for the Tooltip shortcode = 5.10.0 **What's new** - Major update to the `su_tooltip` shortcode, now it works without jQuery migrate and has more options - Fixed logic of the `su_user` shortcode = 5.9.8 **What's new** - Improved handling of nested dynamic elements within Tabs - Improved handling of nested dynamic elements within Spoiler - Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.7 = 5.9.7 **What's new** - PHP8 support - New filter `su/shortcode/posts/wp_query_args` that can be used to modify `[su_posts]` query - New filter `su/shortcode/posts/allowed_template_locations` that can be used to add custom template paths in the `[su_posts]` shortcode - Improved handling of nested dynamic elements within Tabs = 5.9.6 Added compatiblity with WordPress 5.6 Minor improvements Fixed readme.txt information = 5.9.5 Added compatiblity with WordPress 5.6 Minor improvements Fixed readme.txt information = 5.9.4 **Fixes** - Fixed PHP notice `A non-numeric value encountered` in `[su_dropcap]` - Fixed PHP notice `A non-numeric value encountered` in `[su_service]` - Updated in-plugin links = 5.9.3 **What's new** - New option `anchor_in_url` for `[su_tabs]` and `[su_spoiler]`. This option specifies whether an anchor will be added to page URL after clicking a tab or a spoiler. - New option `random` for `[su_image_carousel]` which allows to shuffle carousel images **Fixes** - Fixed issue in `[su_image_carousel]` where images were hidden on some themes = 5.9.2 **What's new** - `[su_qrcode]` now supports nested shortcodes in the `data` attribute - Improved performance by reducing the number of DB queries **Fixes** - Fixed issue in the Insert Shortcode tool with Taxonomy and Tax terms fields - Fixed error `Posts: invalid template name` on some installations - This update also fixes the plugin options issue present in 5.9.1 = 5.9.1 **What's new** - `[su_qrcode]` now supports nested shortcodes in the `data` attribute - Improved performance by reducing the number of DB queries **Fixes** - Fixed issue in the Insert Shortcode tool with Taxonomy and Tax terms fields - Fixed error `Posts: invalid template name` on some installations = 5.9.0 **Important changes** Slider and Carousel shortcodes are marked as deprecated. These shortcodes will disappaer from the *Available shortcodes* page and from the *Insert shortcode* window. Deprecated shortcodes will continue to work, but you'll not be able to insert them. You can enable deprecated shortcodes from *Dashboard → Shortcodes → Settings → Advanced settings* screen, but that's not recommended. Use [su_image_carousel](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/image-carousel/) instead, it has more options, and much more reliable. **What's new** - `[su_image_carousel]` now supports media taxonomies - New options `min_width` and `max_width` for `[su_lightbox_content]` shortcode **Fixes** - Fixed fatal errors `WP_Error` in `[su_slider]` and `[su_custom_gallery]` - Fixed PHP notice `undefined variable` in `[su_post]` shortcode - Fixed PHP notice `top_link` in `[su_divider]` shortcode - Fixed PHP notice `filter_content` in `[su_post]` shortcode - Fixed `related` option in `[su_dailymotion]` shortcode - Fixed non-working *Slide Link* issue with `[su_custom_gallery]` - Minor improvement to `[su_image_carousel]` - Minor UI improvements = 5.8.1 **What's new** - New option `anchor` for `[su_divider]` shortcode **Changes** - `[su_document]` shortcode is now *deprecated*. It will continue to work, but will be removed from the Insert shortcode window and from documentation **Fixes** - Fixed fatal error on WP 5.4 in Gallery, Slider, and Carousel shortcodes. Thanks to [Jörn Lund](https://github.com/mcguffin) - The `[su_feed]` can now work with URLs containing `&`, converted by the block editor - Fixed PHP notices in the admin part - Translation fixes = 5.8.0 **What's new** - The `[su_user]` shortcode now support nested shortcodes in the `user_id` attribute - The `[su_feed]` now has the `target` attribute, which allow opening feed links in a new tab **Fixes** - Updated documentation for the `[su_user]` shortcode. New fields: Nickname, First Name, Last Name, Description, & Locale - Fixed warning in Google Search Console when testing page with the `[su_youtube]` shortcode: `Allow attribute will take precedence over ‘allowfullscreen’.` - Fixed issue when some attributes weren't inserted by the Insert shortcode button - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.4, thanks to [Jörn Lund](https://github.com/mcguffin) - `[su_feed]` links now have title attribute with descriptions = 5.7.0 **What's new** - The `[su_user]` shortcode can now display user meta - New option `id` (HTML Anchor) for the `[su_box]` shortcode - New option `id` (HTML Anchor) for the `[su_note]` shortcode - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.4, thanks to [Jörn Lund](https://github.com/vanokhin/shortcodes-ultimate/issues/100) - New setting *Nested shortcodes alternative mode* which enables deprecated syntax for nested shortcodes. [Details](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/nested-shortcodes-shortcodes-in-attributes/#nested-shortcodes-with-the-same-tag-names) - The `[su_feed]` shortcode is now based on SimplePie - The `[su_quote]` shortcode now supports nesting **Fixes** - Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress version 4.5 (white screen at the settings screen) = 5.6.2 **Fixes** - Fixed YouTube autoplay in Chrome within the `[su_lightbox]` shortcode - Fixed issue when hidden content (like YouTube embed) within spoiler remains clickable - Other minor issues = 5.6.1 **What's new** - Comments in the `[su_posts]` shortcode can now be disabled from post editing screen or, using the Disable Comments plugin. Thanks to [Jörn Lund](https://github.com/vanokhin/shortcodes-ultimate/pull/98). - `[su_image_carousel]` will now display post titles instead of image captions, where applicable. [Details & How to disable it](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/display-image-captions-instead-of-post-titles-in-the-image-carousel-shortcode/). **Fixes** - Fixed `Warning: A non-numeric value encountered` in `[su_slider]`, `[su_carousel]`, and `[su_custom_gallery]` - Fixed `download` attribute of the `[su_button]` shortcode - Fixed issue with `[su_spoiler]` where nested `[su_youtube]` remains clickable if spoiler is closed = 5.6.0 **What's new** - Shortcodes can now be enabled not only in Category descriptions, but in any Term description. See `Enable shortcodes in` option at plugin settings page **Fixes** - Fixed WP-Rocket compatibility issue, `[su_image_carousel]` didn't work on Android Chrome. [Forum topic](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issues-with-wp-rocket-2/) - Fixed issue with `` tags in the `[su_tabs]` shortcode. [Forum topic](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/element-on-next-line-on-mobiles/) - Fixed issue with ghost-style button colors = 5.5.0 **What's new** - New option `outline` for `[su_image_carousel]` which allows disabling carousel outline (when it gets focus) - New option `mobile` for `[su_tabs]` which allows disabling tab stacking on mobile devices - New option `texttrack` for `[su_vimeo]` which allows enabling video subtitles **Improvements** - `[su_youtube_advanced]` is now always served through https - `[su_image_carousel]`: improved compatibility with various themes - `[su_image_carousel]`: the gallery can now be loaded through AJAX - `[su_image_carousel]`: improved keyboard navigation - Insert Shortcode window will now remain open if the dark background clicked **Fixes** - Fixed `[su_image_carousel]` issue with empty image captions (with whitespace) - Fixed `[su_image_carousel]` issue where images weren't shown when crop is disabled = 5.4.1 This update fix various issues related to version 5.4.0 = 5.4.0 **What's new** - New shortcode `[su_image_carousel]` which will take place of `[su_slider]` and `[su_carousel]` in the future - New attribute `download` for the `[su_button]` shortcode (allows immediate downloading of specified URL in a button) - New attribute `id` for the `[su_heading]` shortcode (allows linking to a heading) - New attribute `wrapper` for the `[su_dummy_text]` shortcode (allows disabling of the div wrapper) - New attribute `mobile` for the `[su_lightbox]` shortcode (allows disabling lightbox on mobile devices) **Improvements** - *Custom CSS code* field now has syntax highlighting - `[su_button]` with `target=blank` will now be displayed with `rel='noopener noreferrer` - Slightly improved appearance of the *Available shortcodes* screen - *Vertical tabs* are now aligned with CSS flexbox, not JS - Added `shortcodes.full.css` file to reference the default shortcode styles - Minor improvements to `[su_table]`, `[su_row]`, and `[su_column]` shortcodes **Fixes** - Fixed issue with `[su_lightbox]` on iOS - Removed `!important` from column styles for mobile devices **Security** - `[su_posts]` and `[su_template]` are now allow only templates from active theme or plugin folders - *Error messages* are now displayed only to allowed users (user must have required capability) = 5.3.0 **What's new** - New shortcode `[su_csv_table]` for displaying CSV tables - New option `indent` for the `[su_list]` shortcode, which allows adjusting of list indentation **Fixes** - Fixed inaccessible fields in media modal (while inserting Gallery/Slider/Carousel shortcodes) - Fixed close icon class name in the presets menu - Fixed issue with unwanted content inside single shortcodes - Fixed warning when non-numeric value is used for the button size attribute - Min-width for responsive tables is set to 100% = 5.2.0 **Improvements** - Tabs and accordions/spoilers are now accessible from keyboard - Tabs are now working better with nested sliders/carousels - Improved stability of some responsive elements, such as Google Maps - YouTube and YouTube Advanced settings descriptions are now more clear - New setting `Required user capability` which allows enabling the `Insert Shortcode` button for non-admin users - New setting `Enable shortcodes in` which allows enabling shortcodes in text widgets and category descriptions **Changes** - youtube_advanced showinfo parameter is deprecated and removed from the plugin. [Why?](https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#release_notes_08_23_2018) - Font Awesome replaced with [Fork Awesome](https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome). Font Awesome stylesheet (v 4.7.0) will be completely removed in the next update. All icons are now use CSS class `sui` instead of `fa` = 5.1.1 - Gutenberg compatibility enabled by default = 5.1.0 **What's new** - Added compatibility with the Gutenberg editor. [Learn more](https://vanokhin.com/su-now-supports-gutenberg/). **Fixes** - Fixed `` icon appearance of the `[su_service]` shortcode = 5.0.8 **Fixes** - Fixed Live Preview, wasn't representing changed settings - Fixed `[su_siblings]`, now it works again at top-level pages **Other** - Various code improvements - New filters for gallery, slider, and carousel - Returned `su_cmpt()` and `su_compatibility_mode_prefix()` utils = 5.0.7 **Security update** - Fixed shortcode generator preview vulnerability. [Description](https://www.pluginvulnerabilities.com/2018/09/25/full-disclosure-of-vulnerability-in-wordpress-plugin-with-700000-active-installations/). = 5.0.6 **Fixes** - Added missing images for `su_audio`, `su_video`, `su_slider` and `su_carousel` - Fixed Fatal error: Call to a member function get_page_permastruct() on null in link-template.php:357 - Added missing `su_get_icon()` utility function - Added missing `su_scattr()` utility function - Added missing `su_do_shortcode()` utility function = 5.0.5 **Improvements** - Improved compatibility with fitvid.js; - Improved appearance of the `Show more` and `Show less` links of the `su_expand` shortcode; - The new option `mute` for `su_youtube` and `su_youtube_advanced` shortcodes; - Support for the `youtube-nocookie.com` domain in `su_youtube` and `su_youtube_advanced` shortcodes; - Support for nested shortcodes in the `title` attribute of the `su_button` shortcode; - The new option `dnt` (do not track) for the `su_vimeo` shortcode, [learn more](https://help.vimeo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001494447-Using-Player-Parameters); - The new option `mute` for the `su_vimeo` shortcode; - https support for the `su_dailymotion` shortcode; - New options `title` and `rel` for the `su_permalink` shortcode; - The `su_post` shortcode now support slugs in the `post_id` attribute; - The new option `zoom` for `su_gmap`. **Changes** - Shortcodes styles merged into a single stylesheet. **Fixes** - Fixed warning in `su_siblings` shortcode. = 5.0.4 * Fixed: added missing FontAwesome icons * Fixed: is_plugin_active call removed on frontend * Fixed: nested shortcodes * Fixed: issue with spoiler loaded through ajax * Fixed: [scheduler] shortcode logic = 5.0.3 * Changed: Inview.js library replaced with [jQuery.Inview](https://github.com/protonet/jquery.inview) * Fixed: caching issue with [su_dummy_text] * Fixed: PHP warning in [su_posts] shortcode when specified template does not exist * Updated: Font Awesome to version 4.7.0 * Added: responsive styles for [su_pullquote] = 5.0.2 * Fixed: an issue where RTL stylesheet won't displayed if custom CSS field is empty * Fixed: icon sizes at 'Dashboard - Available Shortcodes' page * Fixed: [expand] shortcode now works when loaded through AJAX * Fixed: border-radius on [box] shortcode * Fixed: compatibility with 'Plugin Organizer' * Updated: OwlCarousel jQuery plugin * Added: new attribute 'responsive' for table shortcode: [su_table responsive="no|yes"] * Added: new attribute 'playsinline' for youtube_advanced shortcode: [su_youtube_advanced playsinline="no|yes"] = 5.0.1 * Fixed: serious security vulnerability, which allows attacker to run any code using filter in meta, post, or user shortcodes. Thanks to Robert L Mathews. * Fixed: changed admin menu position (it was replacing 'Settings' menu on some installations) * Fixed: shortcodes prefix field now accepts special characters * Fixed: old bug when unwanted code parts was added with shortcode * Fixed: bug, where backslashes were removed from custom CSS code * Added: new attribute 'ID' for [button] shortcode * Added: new filter 'su/slides_query', which can be used to modify posts query for slider, carousel and custom_gallery shortcodes * Added: new filter 'su/assets/custom_css/template' to filter custom css output * Minor fixes = 5.0.0 * Read [this blog post](https://vanokhin.com/whats-new-in-shortcodes-ultimate-5/) to learn more about update * New project website [getshortcodes.com](https://getshortcodes.com/) * New documentation [getshortcodes.com/docs](https://getshortcodes.com/docs/) * Added: 'Available shortcodes' admin menu * Removed: 'Examples' admin menu * Removed: 'Cheatsheet' admin menu * Fixed: [feed] shortcode (now it uses SimplePie) * Changed default content for [tabs], [row] and [accordion] shortcodes * Fixed: [user] shortcode works when user is not logged in * Changed: Security improvement. Plugin will now strip all HTML tags from Custom CSS code * Minor improvements and fixes **Older changelog entries are available in the changelog.txt file**