=== Pixel Caffeine === Contributors: adespresso, antoscarface, divbyzero, giangian, chiara_09, chusmy, aealeviatore4 Donate link: https://adespresso.com/ Tags: facebook, facebook pixel, facebook ad, facebook insertions, custom audiences, dynamic events, woocommerce Requires at least: 4.4.24 Requires PHP: 7.2.5 Tested up to: 5.7.0 Stable tag: 2.3.3 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html The simplest and easiest way to manage your Facebook Pixel needs and create laser focused custom audiences on WordPress. == Description == The easiest, most powerful, **100% free**, WordPress Plugin to manage **Facebook Pixel** and **Facebook Product Catalog**. Don’t spend money on “pro” plugins while ours is free. Includes full WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads support! Created by AdEspresso, a certified Facebook Marketing Partner and #1 Facebook Ads Partner, Pixel Caffeine is the highest
quality Facebook Pixel plug-in available on the WordPress market and we’ll keep it constantly up to date with Facebook latest updates. Watch our video to see the full range of possibilities: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFAszDll_1w] In just a few simple clicks, you can have Facebook pixel live on your website, track conversions and begin creating custom audiences for almost any parameter you want – whether its web pages visited, products & content viewed, or custom & dynamic events. Unlike all the other professional plugins available, we have no limitations and no hidden costs or fees. Welcome to a whole new world of *custom audiences* and *product catalog management*. ### Features: * **Instant Installation** - get the Facebook pixel site-wide without typing a line of code - just a simple click. * **Advanced Custom Audiences** - create audiences based on standard/custom events, referring sources (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.), categories/tags of content, specific URL parameters...literally almost anything you’d like! * **Facebook Dynamic Ads with WooCommerce** - automatically track visitors based on what they viewed (product name, product category and product tags) and then dynamically re-target them with advertisements on Facebook or Instagram * **Product Catalog Management** - In one click generate a Product catalog for your store and upload it to Facebook or let Pixel Caffeine constantly sync it with Facebook. Advanced filters let you create your product catalog with exactly the products you want to promote.
 ### Examples of what you can do with Pixel Caffeine: * Create “category” audiences for your blog or website and then re-target these visitors with lead generation or direct sale campaigns * Create audiences of people that viewed specific products and dynamically target them with specific incentives or coupons for exactly the products they viewed * Create audiences of those that submit particular forms, click on certain buttons, or take certain actions while navigating or searching your website. * Create product catalog with only products in specific categories with a discounted price and not sold out! ### Videotutorial [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUn1a291-bA] == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * PHP version 5.6 or greater * MySQL version 5.6 or greater or MariaDB version 10.0 or greater = Automatic installation = * From your WordPress admin panel, click “Plug-Ins” and then “Add New” * In the search box, type “Pixel Caffeine” * Select “Pixel Caffeine” and click “Install”! * Activate It = Manual installation = * Download the plugin from this page (it will download as a zip file) * Open the WordPress admin panel, go to the "Plugins" and select “Add new” * Select “Upload” and then choose the .zip file downloaded from this page * Select “Install” after the upload is complete * Activate It = Video = Here a brief videotutorial to understand main feature and how their work: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUn1a291-bA] == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where do I get my Facebook Pixel ID? = You can get your Facebook Pixel ID from the [Pixel page of Facebook Ads Manager](https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/pixel/facebook_pixel). If you don't have a Pixel, you can create a new one by following [these instructions](https://www.facebook.com/business/help/952192354843755?helpref=faq_content#createpixel). Remember: there is only ONE Pixel assigned per ad account. = Do I need a new Facebook Pixel? = No, use the pixel from the ad account you want to link to your WordPress website. = I don't want to login to my Facebook account. Can I put the pixel ID manually without connecting my account? = No problem! You can manually add the Pixel ID in the settings page instead of connecting your Facebook Account. However, without the Facebook connect, you won't be able to use some of the most advanced features of Pixel Caffeine like our Custom Audience creation. = Are the custom audiences saved also on my Facebook Ad Account? = Yes, everything you create in Pixel Caffeine is immediately synced with Facebook and all the audiences will be immediately available to use in Facebook Ads Manager/Power Editor ...or [AdEspresso](https://adespresso.com) if you're using it of course :) = Is it compatible with WooCommerce? = YES! We fully support WooCommerce. In the settings page just enable the integration and we'll automatically add all the event tracking! This is also compatible with Dynamic Product Ads and we'll pass Facebook all the advanced settings like product Id, cost, etc.! = Is it compatible with Easy Digital Downloads = Absolutely YES! The same of above. = Can I import my custom audiences I already have in my Ad account into Pixel Caffeine? = Unfortunately there isn’t any way at the moment to import custom audiences _from_ FB, but it is a feature in our long-term roadmap. With the plugin we want to give extended tools for advanced custom audiences - using WordPress data. This plug-in is NOT a replacement for Business Manager, but it does make it all easier! == Screenshots == 1. General Settings 2. Custom audiences manager 3. Special filter for custom audience 4. Conversions events page 5. Dashboard 6. Product Catalog 7. Product Catalog created == Changelog == = 2.3.3 - 2021-03-18 = * Fix - null in "content_ids" of AddToCart event when some WooCommerce extensions are installed = 2.3.2 - 2021-03-16 = * Add - Option to enable server-side tracking through AJAX in order to resolve issues with cache systems (server and/or third-party plugins) * Enhancement - Avoid to pass `eventID` if server-side tracking is disabled * Update - Facebook API SDK to v10 = 2.3.1 - 2021-02-25 = * Enhancement - Scoped third-party vendor dependencies in order to avoid conflicts with other third-party vendor of other installed plugins * Fix - Guzzle conflicts with other plugins * Fix - Syntax error with PHP <7.4 versions = 2.3.0 - 2021-02-18 = * Support - **Dropping support to <7.2 PHP versions. It's now officially supported only 7.2+ PHP version (the plugin will continue to work with lower versions, but it might occur in some issues).** * Add - Option to log all server side events sent from the server in "Logs" table * Fix - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Promise\Coroutine::of() * Fix -