# Changelog ## 1.1.28 | February 5, 2025 - Fixed an issue with Limit Dates' Inline Datepicker not showing the current month when setting `gpld_disable_inline_date_picker_default_date` to `true`. ## 1.1.27 | September 19, 2024 - Added new [`gpld_datepicker_data`](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpld_datepicker_data) JS filter hook. ## 1.1.26 | June 26, 2024 - Updated Inline Datepicker to only trigger conditional logic if it is visible. ## 1.1.25 - Fixed an issue with the `yyyy-mm-dd` format not displaying Minimum and Maximum Dates correctly in the form editor. ## 1.1.24 - Added support for typing in months without separators (e.g. `01012020` instead of `01/01/2020`). ## 1.1.23 - Fixed an issue where the Minimum Date and Maximum Date settings did not use the date format configured on the field. - Updated references to `String.prototype.format()` to use `String.prototype.gformFormat()` as the former will be removed in Gravity Forms 2.8. ## 1.1.22 - Fixed compatibility issue with Populate Anything where inline datepickers inside date fields that are refreshed dynamically would not work. - Fixed potential PHP 8.1 warnings. ## 1.1.21 - Added support for weekday(s) keyword support when specifying min/max date modifiers. Credit: Dominik Schilling (required.com) ## 1.1.20 - Fixed potential PHP warnings. ## 1.1.19 - Fixed issues where the `gpld_disable_inline_date_picker_default_date` filter would not work with conditional logic or default values. ## 1.1.18 - Fixed an issue where Formatted Date for Exceptions was not displayed. ## 1.1.17 - Added new [`gpld_disable_inline_date_picker_default_date`](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpld_disable_inline_date_picker_default_date) PHP filter to disable automatically selecting a date when using the Inline Date Picker. ## 1.1.16 - Added dynamic classes to datepicker dates; allows styles to be applied depending on why a date is disabled. - Fixed issue where inline datepickers were not rendered in Gravity Forms 2.7. ## 1.1.15 - Fixed JavaScript error that could prevent forms from showing in some cases. ## 1.1.14 - Fixed a JavaScript error that could occur when setting default dates on Inline Datepickers in forms with conditional logic. ## 1.1.13 - Added German translations. Credit: Florian Rinnhofer of sportunion.at - Fixed issue where exceptions were being ordered incorrectly. ## 1.1.12 - Updated Exceptions to be ordered by date (ascending). - Updated Exceptions to be formatted according to the field's selected date format. ## 1.1.11 - Fixed issue where incorrect remaining inventory from GF Inventory would show on initial render with inline date picker. ## 1.1.10 - Fixed an issue where conditional logic dependent on inline datepickers wouldn't work in some situations on multi-page forms. ## 1.1.9 - Fixed issue with GP Read Only where the Datepicker would be initialized more than once causing a flash of unstyled content when using Legacy Markup. - Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security. ## 1.1.8 - Fixed regression where having an empty minimum date could cause the form to lock up. ## 1.1.7 - Improved minimum date to be the first selectable date in the range. ## 1.1.6 - Fixed an issue where back-end validation did not match the front-end when excepted dates fall outside of minimum or maximum dates defined. ## 1.1.5 - Added support for responsively downsizing the datepicker. ## 1.1.4 - Added [gpld_after_set_max_date](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpld_after_set_max_date/) ## 1.1.3 - Fixed an issue where GPPA and GPCC would not copy values from inline date pickers on page load. ## 1.0.26 - Added gp-limit-dates.css for GF 2.5.. Updated inline datepicker style in GF 2.5 to remove drop shadow. - Added support for 2.5. - Updated admin scripts/styles to be enqueued as separate files rather than output inline. - Updated field setting markup, styles, and JS to work better in GF 2.5. - Updated field setting styles in GF 2.4 to work with the new markup. - Fixed issue where Inline Datepicker did not have the new GF datepicker theme applied automatically. ## 1.1.2 - Fixed an issue where second and subsequent inline date pickers may not render on a form. ## 1.1.1 - Fixed an issue where Inline Datepickers were not always populated with the correct default value. ## 1.1 - Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5. - Updated admin scripts/styles to be enqueued as separate files rather than output inline. - Updated field setting markup, styles, and JS to work better in GF 2.5. - Updated field setting styles in GF 2.4 to work with the new markup. - Updated inline datepicker style in GF 2.5 to remove drop shadow. - Fixed issue where Inline Datepicker did not have the new GF datepicker theme applied automatically. ## 1.0.25 - Fixed a potential integration issue with GPPA and GPRO. ## 1.0.24 - Updated data flag to gpldIgnoreChange so it could be used in more contexts. - Added support for triggering onSelect functionality when the Date field's value changes. ## 1.0.23 - Fixed an issue where a deleted field may cause GPLD to fail to render. ## 1.0.22 - Added [gpld_invalid_date_error](http://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpld_invalid_date_error/) JavaScript filter. ## 1.0.21 - Fixed an issue where date format was parsed incorrectly. ## 1.0.20 - Fixed noticed generated when invalid form is passed via GF filters. - Updated plugin author. ## 1.0.19 - Added JS filter: gpld_after_set_min_date; supports functionality such as populating the new minimum date into the field and opening the datepicker in Field B after a date has been selected in Field A. ## 1.0.18 - Fixed fatal error that occurred when honey pot was enabled on form with Limit Dates active. ## 1.0.17 - Added GP_Limit_Dates::get_limit_dates_field_options method to ensure that the generic "gpld_limit_dates_options" filter was applied when fetching options for a single field. ## 1.0.16 - Added fix to resolve issue where min/max dates were not set for Inline Datepickers after an AJAX-submission. ## 1.0.15 - Fixed issue where inline datepickers did not correctly show first selectable date. ## 1.0.14 - Fixed issue where inline datepickers did not currently display selected date when rendered while hidden (via conditional logic). ## 1.0.13 - Fixed issue with 2.4 and new $field->fields property. ## 1.0.12 - Added support for script/style minification. - Added support for GP Limit Dates inline datepicker. ## 1.0.11 - Fixed issue where change event was not triggered for inline datepickers when new min/max date was set. ## 1.0.10 - Fixed notice generated with PHP 7.2 when days of the week setting was not defined as an array. ## 1.0.9 - Fixed bug introduced in 1.0.8 where minDate field-based dependencies were accounted for but maxDate's were not. ## 1.0.8 - Added support for automatically setting Date field minDate by the minDate of the Date field on which it's minDate is dependent. ## 1.0.7 - Fixed issue where default value in Date Field A did not correctly set the minimum date for Date Field B when configured to do so. ## 1.0.6 - Fixed issue where manually entered dates were not correctly validated on input change event. ## 1.0.5 - Fixed issue where conditional logic was not working when dependent on any Date field which used the onSelect event. ## 1.0.4 - Fixed issue where conditional logic was not working when dependent on an Inline Date Picker. ## 1.0.3 - Fixed issue introduced in 1.0.2 where an error was generated if the datepicker was reponsible for setting the min/max on more than one Date field. ## 1.0.2 - Fixed issue where inline datepicker did not automatically updated min/max date when targeted by another Date field. ## 1.0.1 - Fixed issue where inline datepicker did not work for any date format other than mm/dd/yyyy. ## 1.0 - Added support for inline datepicker. - Updated admin UI styles. ## 1.0.beta2.12 - Fixed conflict caused by Gravity Slider's jquery.nouislider.all.js file ## 1.0.beta2.11 - Added gpld_modified_date JS filter to allow 3rd party modifications to any modified date ## 1.0.beta2.9 - Added support for disableAll property on date option data; allows all dates to be disabled by default. ## 1.0.beta2.8 - Fixed issue where jQuery was used instead of $ inside gp-limit-dates.js ## 1.0.beta2.7 - Fixed issue introduced by WordPress 4.6 where admin datepickers are localized by default causing date to be in an unexpected format ## 1.0.beta2.6 - Fixed issue where deleted date fields still set as min/max date for another date field would generate a JS error ## 1.0.beta2.5 - Updated 'gp-limit-dates.js' to be enqueued in footer; resolves conflict with GP Nested Forms ## 1.0.beta2.4 - Added support for "exceptionMode" via 'gpld_limit_dates_options' filter; allows modifing how excepted dates are handled (blocked, enabled, reversed). ## 1.0.beta2.3 - Updated to make gform_datepicker_options_pre_init filter more bullet proof ## 1.0.beta2.2 - Added new filter: gpld_date_value add_filter( 'gpld_date_value', function( $date, $field, $key, $options ) { return $date; }, 10, 4 ); - Added GP_Limit_Dates::is_valid_timestamp() function - Updated GPLimitDates.gpld_date_value() method to pass the data and fieldId parameters ## 1.0.beta2.1 - Added new filter: gpld_has_limit_dates_enabled add_filter( 'gpld_has_limit_dates_enabled', function( $result, $field ) { return false; }, 10, 2 ); ## 1.0.beta2.0 - Fixed issue where empty date fields w/ limit date features enabled returned a validation error - Updated to use GP_Bootstrap ## 1.0.beta1.9 - Updated onClose override to account for other functions that have also specified an onClose function for the datepicker ## 1.0.beta1.8 - Fixed issue where field ID and specific dates were converted to server time which could result in incorrect date limits; updated to only convert {today}-based dates to server time ## 1.0.beta1.7 - Fixed issue where setting limit date options via the 'gpld_limit_dates_options' filter did not activate limit dates functionality for the form if there were no options already configured for the field. ## 1.0.beta1.6 - Fixed styling issue where date selects (in UI) were too large when Date fields had very long labels ## 1.0.beta1.5 - Added $form and $field objects as parameters to the 'gpld_limit_dates_options' filter - Added support for 'Exclude Before Today' option when min date setting is configured for 'Specific Date'; allows specifying a future minimum date and having minimum date automatically adjust as time progresses ## 1.0.beta1.4 - Fixed issue where dates in dmy format would return invalid date validation error - Fixed issue where date fields with min/max set by another date field with a dmy format would not have the min/max set correctly when a validation error is returned on any form field ## 1.0.beta1.3 - Fixed issue where days of week validation was sometimes not stored in correct format - Fixed issue where PHP date validation failed for non-US dates (in some cases) - Added support for allowing multiple date fields to have min/max date fields based on the same date field ## 1.0.beta1.2 - Fixed issue where dates in dmy format where not validated correctly (on submission) - Fixed issue where field settings appeared briefly while form editor was loading ## 1.0.beta1.1 - Fixed issue where if Sunday was the only day of the week, no limit was applied ## 1.0.beta1.0 - Limit those dates!